• Jon Becker was saved in 1983. At the age of 6 I knew that I wanted to go to heaven. My mom prayed with me and I accepted Christ as my personal Savior. I have been at FCC for 4 years and am currently serving in AWANA, VBS, and Tech team. When asked to consider the Deacon position I began to pray about what God would want. I believe God is working at FCC and I am willing to serve Him through this position.

  • Kim Becker was saved in 1989 at the age of 9. I was raised in a Christian home so I knew all the Bible stories. My Sunday school teacher taught a lesson about hell, and when I asked my parents about how not to go there, they showed me from Scripture how to pray to receive Christ. That day I understood that knowing about Him was not the same thing as knowing Him personally and I made the decision to have Him become my Savior and Lord of my life. I have been at FCC for 4 years and currently serve in AWANA, VBS, KIDs ministry, on the hospitality committee, prayer team, encouragement team, and on the WEECare school board. Since January 2024, I have been praying for God to use me in any capacity He wants me to.

  • Kim Burke was saved in 1965-1966. My conversion was simple and childlike. I knew I was lost and would go to hell. I asked my mom to help me and was saved in bed that night. I have been at FCC for 2 years. I was involved in a church bus ministry at 16 and led music in worship at 17. After getting married I was called to music ministry at First Southern Baptist Church in Terre Haute, IN and served in that capacity for 36 years. I am currently serving at FCC in mens ministry. I have been asking the Lord to lead me into the next chapter of service for a while. My main spiritual gift is encouragement so Ive patiently waited on the Lord to reveal the specific path for me.

  • Becky Collins was saved in 1969. I was 6 years old when I accepted Christ and asked Him to forgive my sins and come into my heart. My mom was the one who shared Jesus with me (actually she did that my whole life and I am forever thankful). One Sunday evening, at the end of service I went forward and told my dad (he was the pastor) that I wanted Jesus in my heart. My father baptized me the next Sunday morning. Shortly after that life changed drastically and I did not grow in my relationship with Christ until I was an adult. When I was a young adult the Lord stirred my heart once again to come to Him. I remember praying and asking Him if He was real and to make Himself real to me. HE DID! I would love to tell you more and if you would like to know more, I would love to share my faith story with you. I have been at FCC for almost 22 years. I have taught in childrens ministry, AWANA, VBS, was the office administrator for 7 years, and am currently serving as church clerk and in teaching bible study as well as taking classes at SWBTS. The Lord has given me the heart of a servant. I love people and love sharing with them in Word and deed the amazing love that has been graciously given to me through Jesus. Over the last 8 years I have felt that my service to FCC has been the heart of a Deacon. But I never thought I could be a Deacon until Pastor John unpacked the Biblical text concerning Deacons. Through much prayer, Paul and I both knew that the Lord has called us to serve our brothers and sisters in Christ through His church here at FCC.

  • Paul Collins was saved in 1988. I was baptized young and grew up in His Word. Through a course that my wife took called Master Life I realized I needed to re-dedicate my life to the Lord. I have been at FCC for almost 22 years. I have served in AWANA and on the buildings and grounds committee and am currently serving as a growth group leader in the Open Door Senior class. Through prayer, the reading of Gods Word, digging in deep, and time I came to decide to serve in this capacity.

  • Greg Cross was saved in 1974. My family attended Sharon Woods Baptist church in Columbus, OH. My dad gave his life to Christ in his thirties. His coming to Christ and his witness to me made a huge impact on my young life. I was involved in the youth group and a youth leader by the name of Cliff Skinner shared the gospel with me from the Book of Romans (The Romans Road). The Holy Spirit was working in me. I understood that I was a sinner and in need of a Savior. In the spring of 1974 I committed my heart and life to Jesus Christ and I have been following Christ now for 50 years. Glory to God! I have been at FCC for 7 years and have served as Director of growth groups and currently a growth group leader. God has led me to serve as a Deacon through a series of experiences that have deepened my faith and my desire to serve others. I have felt a strong calling to support and encourage those in the FCC community (and beyond). Through prayer, confirmation with Kathy, a couple of conversations with some brothers at FCC, and reflection, I have come to understand that this role is a natural extension of my spiritual gifts, and commitment to living out my faith in practical ways.

  • Tracy Helm was saved in 1983. I accepted Christ at a week long GA/Acteen camp at Highland Lakes Baptist Center. God was tugging at my heart and at one evening service I placed my faith and trust in Him. A counselor led me though the plan of salvation and I prayed and asked God to forgive me of my sins and come and live within my heart. I have been at FCC for 30 years. I have served in Sunday school, AWANA, VBS and bible study. I am currently serving in Sunday school, AWANA, and leading the Defined girls bible study. After being approached that my name was given, through much prayer, scripture reading and talking with my family, I felt a peace about continuing on through the process of being a Deaconess.

  • Marci Herbert was saved in 1981. I am blessed to have no memory of a time when I was not aware of Jesus and what He did for me. Between the ages of 9 and 12, I accepted Him as my Lord and Savior and was baptized by my father at our church. I praise God for continually sanctifying me through His Word, His church, and His Holy Spirit. I have been at FCC for 9 years. I have served in AWANA, VBS, the coffee bar, grounds crew, youth mentor/hostess, Apples of Gold and am currently serving in womens ministry, tech team, prayer ministry, life group leader, and LIFT. My church body nominated me, as I was not pursuing the position in any way! God used respected leaders to speak His truth over me as we met several times to discuss the possibility. I covet your prayers that God will be faithful to use me, in spite of myself, to serve His beloved here at FCC with Christ-centered devotion and a humble, willing heart.

  • Rich Herbert was saved at the age of 13. I grew up attending church but it wasnt until age 13 that I fully understood my need for a Savior. The seeds planted by my mom, my grandmother, and my Sunday school teachers finally took root. I have been at FCC for 9 years. I have served in AWANA, on the missions committee, nominating committee( member and chair), growth group leader, coffee bar and mens ministry. I am currently serving on the tech crew, running technology, life group leader, counting team, and part of buildings and grounds committee. I reluctantly agreed to being considered as a Deacon. After much prayer and counsel, I didnt want to be like Jonah!

  • John Reynolds was saved in 1983 when I was very young. I felt a strong conviction to pull away from the immediate sinful influences in my life to serve and walk with others on the path God had laid out for me, in contrast to the world around me. I have been at FCC for 17 years. I have served in mens ministry, childrens ministry, marriage ministry, student ministry, on the buildings and grounds committee, and outreach committee. I am currently serving in marriage ministry, mens ministry, childrens ministry, outreach, and wherever I am able to help. Im thankful to my fellow Christ followers whove reminded me to keep looking and serving outward, in caring for others to minister through and spread His Word. In prayer, I feel led to continue in these ministry capacities as well as in a broader scope in Deaconship for our church body as a whole.

  • Julie Storm was saved in 1988. As a second grader I recognized that I was a sinner in need of Jesuss work on the cross so I prayed for forgiveness of my sins in the front room of our house, asking Jesus to be my Savior and Lord. The following Sunday I went forward at the invitation time to tell others what I had done. I have been at FCC for 19 years. I have served in X-Stream student ministry, night life (became the Pointe Church), women's ministry, tech booth, growth group leader, VBS and on the missions committee. I am currently serving in the tech booth, on the missions committee, and leading a growth group. After being asked about being a Deaconess, I prayed about it, read the suggested materials, included those closest to me to pray about it, and talked to them about my gifts, roles, and serving in this ministry. My questions revealed that I was deciding between my plans and His. Even though I had not preciously considered serving in this role, it became obvious to me that my life is His so I am to be willing to do whatever God has prepared in advance for me to do.