North American MISSIONS

Your prayers and gifts to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering provide support for thousands of missionaries across North America. These men and women are planting new churches in unreached communities and meeting needs through compassion ministries. Every day, lives are being impacted and transformed.

We met our goal of $10,000!

Thank you for supporting North American Missions. 

To give towards Missions now or anytime throughout the year, 

please select "One Mission" in the dropdown menu if giving online. 

Give here circlerightarrow

    Week of Prayer for North American Missions

    The Week of Prayer for North American missions is annually observed by SBC churches to pray for missionaries, their ministries and their families. Prayer is the fuel for spiritually sustaining missionaries in places where the gospel is greatly needed, but often opposed.

    Check out the daily stories and prayer prompts:

     Week of Prayer


    Beyond North America, missionaries across the world are doing whatever it takes to reach lost people with the gospel. Through the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering, our church joins them in this work and keeping the mission moving forward.

    Week of Prayer for International Missions

    The Week of Prayer for international missions is annually observed by SBC churches to pray for missionaries, their ministries and their families. Prayer is the fuel for spiritually sustaining missionaries in places where the gospel is greatly needed, but often opposed.

    • Read Don and Pam's story circlerightarrow

      • Pray for new initiatives around the world to seek the lost and offer a message of eternal hope.
      • Ask God to provide more opportunities for Don and Pam to have deep gospel conversations with people and long-term friendships.
      • Pray that God would lead more workers to seek the lost around the world and respond with the gospel solution.
    • Read the Knippers' story circlerightarrow
      • Pray for the real people inside the virtual world who need the gospel.
      • Ask God to help the Knippers learn Japanese so they may transition relationships from VR to IRL.
      • Pray for more missionaries who are willing to use the newest innovations and technologies to reach the world for Christ.
    • Read Ray Holiday's story circlerightarrow

      • Pray for Holiday as he and other Project 3000 missionaries scout out and research their people groups.
      • Pray the Lord will open the hearts of these unengaged and unreached people groups.
      • Ask God to call more people to serve through Project 3000.
    • Read the Clays' story: circlerightarrow

      • Pray for these partners as they seek to take the gospel to areas previously untouched by the good news of Jesus Christ.
      • Praise God for requests to be trained and mentored.
      • Ask for continued fruit in the work of the Clays, who are a steadfast presence among the lost.
    • Read the Windhams' story: circlerightarrow

      • Pray for the Windhams and their work in Zambia.
      • Ask God to bring boldness and wisdom to local believers as they are discipled.
      • Pray for continued church multiplication.
    • Read Rose's story: circlerightarrow

      • Pray for ministry among Rose’s people group to flourish, even as they experience ongoing political conflict. Her passion is to see the lost come to saving faith.
      • Pray the coalition of Latin American churches grows in relationship with the IMB as we reach the nations together.
      • Ask that more of Rose’s family in Mexico will come to faith in Jesus Christ.
    • Read Paul and Joseph's story: circlerightarrow

      • Thank the Lord that He is using missionaries like Paul and national believers like Joseph to reach the Deaf.
      • Pray for Joseph as he continues to spread the gospel to the Deaf while being burdened for his lost family members.
      • Pray for Deaf Pathway Global as they work to translate the Scriptures and present them visually for the Deaf to have gospel access.
    • Read Robert Botta's story: circlerightarrow

      • Pray God would bless the long-term commitment of the IMB and national Christians who faithfully serve.
      • Pray for Robert Botta and others serving in disaster relief work, that they would have strength and wisdom during difficult days.
      • Ask God to lead Southern Baptists to stay focused on reaching the nations and to generously support those who are working among the world’s lost.

    Thank you for GIVing TOWARDS OUR GOAL

    WE MET OUR GOAL of $20,000 for Christmas 2023.

    Thank you SO MUCH for giving towards the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions. 

    100% of funds goes towards missions initiatives across the globe to "enable gospel transformation among the unreached" (IMB, 22). Learn more at

    Did you know that you can give towards missions any time of year? Giving towards the One Mission supports not only international missions (like Lottie Moon), but also North American missions (Annie Armstrong Easter Offering), and state and local mission efforts. 

    To give, click or tap the donation button below or use the giving tab in the app. Set the giving type as "One Mission."

    Thank you! Your gift matters.


    Our church supports international missions through the International Mission Board. 

    Ever wonder how your gifts help?

    • When God calls missionaries to share the gospel in a different culture, they must prepare for this challenging new vocation. IMB's rigorous training and preparation process helps new missionaries begin their journey well.

      $700 provides three month intensive training

      $2,000 provides vaccinations to prepare for the field

      $2,300 trains and launches a new missionary

    • Language proficiency is key to cultural understanding. As learning progresses, missionaries' ability to become part of the community deepens, as does their ability to communicate Scripture and apply it to people's lives.

      $50 provides language learning supplies

      $150 covers one month of in-country language study

      $600 covers a two week intensive "language sprint"

    • Depending on location, some missionary families homeschool while others use local or boarding schools. Funds ensure kids receive a good education while allowing missionaries to remain on the field.

      $1,000 covers a homeschool conference for a family

      $2,500 covers one year of homeschool curriculum and supplies

      $7,500 covers one year of international school

    • The challenging security situation across the world threatens the basic presence of missionaries. Security training equips missionaries and their families to live as safely as possible in some of the most dangerous areas of the world.

      $600 pays for satellite phones for emergency situations

      $5,800 covers security training for one missionary

    • There are 180 million people without access to any Scripture in their heart language, and another 1.5 billion only have portions of Scripture available in their language.

      $10 covers a Bible in local language

      $20 covers New Testaments in local languages

      $60 covers Bible study materials for a new believers class

    • Recordings and gospel films can bridge communication gaps and are easily transportable, especially in places where it's dangerous to publicly share the gospel or carry a printed Bible.

      $6 provides a USB with gospel in sign language

      $50 provides five evangelistic packets with gospel tract and DVD

      $3,000 covers the production of a gospel film in a new language

    • Reaching non-literate societies or the Deaf requires creativity to seek out methods that accurately present the life-changing gospel of Jesus.

      $2 provides a tube of Henna to illustrate five gospel stories

      $10 provides a USB for unreached Deaf peoples

      $350 provides a translation of one Bible story into sign language

    • Community outreach through the internet and social media joins the gospel conversation with the marketplace of ideas.

      $8 covers a Facebook "boost" to publicize an evangelism event

      $100 covers one-year website domain name renewal

      $500 covers a smart phone for producing promotional materials

    • Training national church planters in evangelism, discipleship, and biblical strategies is key to empowering more partners and bringing Christ's salvation to where it is most desperately needed.

      $25 provides discipleship and training of a national believer

      $55 covers two weeks' training for one house church leader

      $445 covers training, food, and travel for more than 90 pastors, leaders, and believers

    • National believers can often access more remote or restricted areas where outside missionaries aren't allowed.

      $500 covers travel and training to create gospel stories in an indigenous language

      $500 covers travel for a national believer to share the gospel in a neighboring restricted access country

      $800 provides a five-tier training event over five years for Muslim background believers

    • Gospel-centered learning resources in local languages effectively communicate truths and strategies, helping disciples make disciples

      $53 provides one week of training materials

      $500 provides leader training manuals for local believers

      $4,500 provides story books for 200 trainings

    • Helping bivocational pastors become self-sustaining ensures they can continue in ministry to their church while still providing for their families. This, in turn, strengthens house church networks.

      $317 provides a one-time micro-finance grant for a bivocational church planter

    • Agricultural projects provide entry to regions that are otherwise difficult to access with the gospel. At the same time, missionaries bring much-needed expertise to rural areas, and, often, marginalized people.

      $26 provides gardening tools and seed

      $230 provides two sheep for a family to start animal husbandry work

      $1,500 provides a large greenhouse for research, training, growing new seed varieties

    • Life changing opportunities can come in the form of learning new skills to those trapped in poverty. Learning a viable trade often means an escape from a life of exploitation.

      $36 provides a sewing teacher for a class of 15, two times a week

      $80 provides a sewing machine for a class

      $1,800 provides a sewing training station to teach self-sufficiency and entrepreneurial skills

    • Unreached communities can often be accessed through medical workers providing desperately needed healthcare in hard-to-reach places.

      $5 provides 20 clean syringes

      $28 provides a diabetes test kit and strips

      $300 covers the renewal fee for an IMB doctor's professional license

    • The modern refugee crisis provides unparalleled opportunities to meet the basic needs of individuals and families in biblically mandated mercy ministries while sharing the gospel.

      $1 provides one hot meal

      $10 provides a warm blanket

      $20 provides a hygiene kit


    From Send Relief: A collaboration between the International Mission Board and North American Mission Board, Send Relief is the Southern Baptist one-stop shop for compassion ministry at home and abroad. We respond to crisis and strengthen vulnerable communities around the world by meeting physical and spiritual needs in Jesus’ name.

    To give towards relief efforts, please designate your gift as "Send Relief" in the dropdown menu if giving online. Give here circlerightarrow

    You can learn more about Send Relief here circlerightarrow


    We can also prioritize ministering to our neighbors, friends, coworkers, and family members. The awful reality of sickness and death often puts eternal matters in perspective. Make it a point to talk to the people you already know and love who need Christ as their Savior. Invite them to one of our in-person, socially-distant services, or watch an online service with them.