OUR elders
chad anderson
Nathaniel (Hank) Hankerson
I was saved by Christ on June 15th, 1980. I’m happily married to my wife, Maureen, and have two married daughters, two grandchildren, and three great grandchildren. I attended Florida A&M University and Baptist Bible College of Indianapolis received an MA from Southeastern Bible College in Birmingham, Alabama. I have served as a senior pastor, urban missions pastor, and associate pastor. I retired from full-time ministry in 2018 and have enjoyed being a member of FCC. Since retiring, I have served FCC in multiple capacities, including preaching, teaching, music, and leadership as an elder.
john newland
I have served at Fall Creek since 2004. My mission in life is to lead people to become passionate Christ-followers who produce passionate Christ-followers. I'm committed to practical teaching and application of God's Word that empowers people to live with joy, purpose, and hope in a broken world. In addition to my pastoral responsibilities, I have served as Team Leader for Church Planting for the Crossroads Association of greater Indianapolis and have chaired the movement of church planting called Send Indianapolis. Additionally, I have partnered with mission trips to Bolivia, Brazil, Iraq, South Africa and Thailand. My wife and I, Tracy, married in 1988 and have two adult children. I am a 1990 graduate of the University of Kentucky with a BS in Mathematics. My post-graduate degrees include a Master of Divinity from Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary in Memphis, Tennessee in 1993, and a Doctor of Ministry from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky in 2002. I've served as Second Vice President of the Southern Baptist Convention in 2008-2009. I am currently working on a Ph.D. in preaching and ethics from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
John O'Dell
brian schrock
Regina and I joined Fall Creek in 1992. We have 3 adult children, a daughter-in-law, and our dog, Rudy. I became a follower of Jesus at the age of 22, proposed to Regina several months later, and married in December 1989. I have served as a volunteer student leader for 34 years. I love Fall Creek Church because of its impact on my family and me. Ask me anything, my children say I don't have a filter any more. I am messed up, broken, have stage 4 prostate cancer and am blessed. Let's talk and be real!
mike yoder
I was saved in 1974, having grown up in a Christian family in Ohio. My parents lovingly guided me to salvation at that young age. My early spiritual growth was nurtured through Youth for Christ in high school and later at Taylor University, where I also met my wife, Rebecca! My family and I have been blessed to be part of FCC for over three decades, since moving to Indiana in 1991. My wife and I often serve together, though I frequently find myself simply supporting her in her amazing gift of hospitality. With my primary spiritual gifts being leadership, discernment, and administration, I've had the opportunity to serve in various FCC ministries over the years. These include roles as a Trustee, Growth Group Leader, and involvement in Student Ministry, Personnel, Finance, First Impressions, AWANA, VBS, and even a brief stint as an interim Worship Leader. We deeply love our church and are grateful for the opportunity to serve. I am embracing the role of Elder and am blessed by this team.