We believe that the single greatest thing in life is a personal relationship with the Creator of the universe. It's what we were made for. It's been said that the ultimate goal--the very purpose of life--is to know God and enjoy Him forever.
Tragically though, we traded the joy of perfect intimacy with our Creator for lesser joys. We put creation in place of the Creator. The relationship we were made for was severed, and we drifted along hopelessly lost.
But God did not leave us in our darkest hour. God came to us through Jesus, and He lived a perfect life of unbroken fellowship with the Father--the very life we should have lived. Then He died on a cross--in our place--the death that we should have died. And then He rose from the dead, proving that His death was sufficient to rescue us from our failures and from the brokenness we experience apart from a relationship with God.
Jesus' life, death, and resurrection bridges the gap and restores us to the relationship for which we were created.
This gift of forgiveness and mercy is freely available to all who believe and follow Him.
We want the whole world to know what God offers them through Jesus Christ.
That's why we go; that's why we give.
We would love to talk to you more about this.
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